Photo Consent Agreement Form 
By filling this form, you confirm that you have read and understood this consent agreement and voluntarily grant permission for the library to use photographs in which you may appear in accordance with the terms outlined below.
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Consent Agreement
I, hereby grant Pwani University Library permission to capture and use photographs in which I may appear during library events and activities. I understand and agree to the following terms:
  1. Purpose: The photographs may be used for promotional and informational purposes, including but not limited to the library's website, social media, printed materials, and presentations.

  2. Duration: I understand that the photographs will be retained for an indefinite period unless otherwise specified by me.

  3. Access and Storage: I acknowledge that the photographs will be stored securely and accessed only by authorized library personnel.

  4. Revocation: I have the right to revoke this consent at any time by contacting the library in writing.

Please tick the box below to sign this consent agreement and provide your permission for the library to use your photographs as described above. *
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