TLJMS Persian-Style Rug Silent Auction (Ends December 31, 2024)
Hello and welcome to the TLJ Medical Society Silent Auction for one Persian-style Rug. All-over floral
pattern with acanthus leaf border. 141” W (11.75’) x 180” L (15’).

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Item 1#: Persian-style Rug. All-over floral pattern with acanthus leaf border.
141” W (11.75’) x 180” L (15’).
Appraised Value: $7,500.00
Bid Starts: $3,500.00
Bidding Increments: $250
Full Picture of the Persian-style Rug.
Item 1- Full Name
Item 1- BID
Item 2# Barry Friedman Art: Undulating Waves
Item Value: $2,000.00
Bid Starts: $800.00
Bidding Increments: $50
Artist Statement
My work is an exploration in texture and color. Drawing from my background in the apparel
and technology industries, I work in plaster with a childlike curiosity, never knowing what shape the
plaster will take. When the shape and structure emerge, I apply color with an airbrush giving life and
character to the textures I have created.

Undulating Waves
Depicting the dark and light and motion of a capricious Sea
Media – plaster
4 individual pieces – 12x12 each create the total effect.
Undulating Waves by Barry Friedman
Item 2- Full Name
Item 2- BID
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