BCC Workshops Registration Form
Welcome to the Newcomer Women's Services Toronto Queen location! We are open to helping Permanent Residents and Convention Refugees adjust to life in Canada through our programming and workshops. Using a client-centric approach, our programs are tailored to address the unique needs of newcomers and their families. Please complete the following form to sign up for our events. 
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Which free event are you looking to join? (You can select more than one)  *
First Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Phone Number *
Email *
Date of Birth *
What is your immigration status? *
What is your PR or UCI number? *
UCI is also known as a client identification number (client ID). It’s on official documents you get from Immigrant, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It has either: 

1-Four numbers, a hyphen, and four more numbers (Example: 0000-0000) or
2-Two numbers, a hyphen, four numbers, a hyphen, and four more numbers (Example: 00-0000-0000)

Note: To know what UCI is and where to find it, please visit https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=013

Captionless Image

Are you a first-time client or have you been registered with us before?

NEW Terms and Conditions  
Welcome and thank you for choosing Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW). We invite you to review the following information carefully and click on "I Accept" at the bottom if you have no questions or concerns.

General Terms and Conditions

● NEW’s settlement services are fully funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Canada (IRCC), and therefore is subject to government approval and conditions
which may be varied from time to time. Participation in this program is
non-transferable. Should funding cease, NEW shall whenever possible refer
participants to a government representative for more information or to other service
providers in the community.

● Since funding for the programs has been provided by IRCC, NEW is required to
collect information on behalf of IRCC that assists IRCC to measure results, to
evaluate the success of the program, and to meet government obligation of
accountability. The information collected on behalf of the government is protected
under Canada’s Privacy Act. Participants may request access to information under
the applicable privacy law, or obtain more information about their privacy rights by
visiting the IRCC website: www.cic.gc.ca.

● Limitation of liability: By participating in a NEW program, you agree that you are
participating voluntarily and do so at your own risk and you agree to fully release the
NEW its officers, directors, agents, staff, and volunteers from all claims or lawsuits for
any injuries, death, property damage or theft, losses, or any other liability of any kind,
arising directly or indirectly out of your participation in NEW programs.

● NEW commitment to privacy: NEW is committed to protecting personal information
by following responsible information handling practices. We collect and use
information you volunteer when you access or register for NEW Settlement
Programs, in order to better meet your service needs, to ensure a safe environment,
for statistical purposes, to inform you about NEW programs and services, and to
satisfy government funding and regulatory requirements. You may also hear from us
periodically about other NEW programs, services and opportunities that may interest
and benefit you. For more information on our commitment to privacy, please visit

● NEW commitment to confidentiality: NEW is committed to respect of the individual,
which includes the maintenance of participant confidentiality. However, the
confidentiality of NEW-participant relationships is not absolute. There are
circumstances in which limits are placed upon the confidentiality of such information.
In these circumstances, it is NEW staff’s duty to disclose participant information

Throughout the course of the staff-participant relationship, there are four different
ways in which such a duty may arise:

1. The requirements to disclose information through a subpoena or search
warrant or other requirements by law;
2. The participant discloses information, previously unreported, regarding the
abuse of a child or vulnerable person;
3. The participant states that they will harm themselves or someone else;
4. To the extent that this information is required to provide program services,
including but not limited to program delivery and site coordination.

● Our commitment to each other: NEW is a shared experience for everyone to
enjoy. Each of us can make it better for all by being considerate to others. NEW
participants, staff, guests and volunteers pledge to treat one another with respect and
dignity. NEW reserves the right to suspend program access for inappropriate

Everyone at Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW) has the right to:

1. Be treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.

2. Expect that the organization will offer services that are responsive to service user’s needs and delivered in such a way that strives to eliminate any form of discrimination such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, financial ability, disability or age.

3. Have information relating to their service plan kept confidential in accordance with the law.

4. Access information kept in the client’s record and client service plan according to NEW Organization policy.

5. Request service in the languages of choice, recognizing that the organization will not always be in a position to provide service in the language of choice.

6. Service free of mental, physical, emotional, sexual or financial abuse.

7. Refuse service where the client has been informed of and understands the effect of refusing the service.

8. Be informed of NEW’s rules and policies that affect the service provisions.

9.Be informed of the procedure for initiating complaints about service without fear of reprisal.
If you are ok with the above information please click on "I Accept" below. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 416-469-0196 ext. 125 or email us at bcc@newcomerwomen.org.
Thank you for registering! If you have signed up for an online session you will receive a zoom link the day before your event. If you have signed up for an in-person session, you will receive a reminder email the day before your event. See you there!
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