Lama Dev Web Dev Course Poll
This poll is private. I can not see your mail address or collect any of your data. Please be open and write freely :)
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What’s your current occupation? *
What is your proficiency level in design skills?
What is your proficiency level in JavaScript skills?
What is your proficiency level in React.js skills?
What is your proficiency level in Next.js skills?
What is your primary challenge/struggle when learning web development?
What are your expectations for an online web development course?
What don't you like about online courses?
Which course structure is better for you? *
How important is the UI design part for such courses?
How important is the testing part for such courses?
How much are you willing to pay for a well-prepared course of this nature? (USD)
Would you like to get informed when the course is ready? If yes, please add your email address.
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