Faith Formation Registration 2024-25
Classes held Sundays 10:15-11:30
St Mary of the Annunciation 89 Hassel St. Charleston, SC
Contact for Director of Religious Education Ryan Altenbach:   843-722-7696
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Family Name *
Address *
Father's name and phone # *
Mother's name and phone #
Family Email *
Child Name and Grade *
Child 2 Name and Grade
Child 3 Name and Grade
Child 4 Name and Grade
Child 5 Name and Grade
Are all registering children baptized? *
Are all registering children caught up on Sacraments?
(2nd graders receive First Communion and First Reconciliation, 7th and 8th graders receive Confirmation)
Each year the Diocese offers age-appropriate prevention education on sexual abuse of minors and tools to prevent and report. This curriculum will be offered for preview by the parents of all minors, with the option for them to opt out. 

The TTS presentation will be held after class October 20th from 11:30-12:00, with a make up on Oct 27th. 
Allergies & dietary restrictions
Anything else we should know about your child?
Registration fee $50 per child, maximum $150 per family, please make checks payable to St. Mary of the Annunciation

I understand the fees and will pay by October 6th
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