Reproducibility Pilot Review Survey
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1. Should the ACM Digital Library (ACM DL) host interactive content (using web technologies: HTML, JavaScript) such as graphs, visualizations, or possibly event modifiable and runnable experiments? *
Elaborate (If you wish)
2. Should the DL be able to deploy software artifacts/experiments on its own servers, your own servers, or a combination? *
Elaborate (if you wish)
3. How long do you reasonably expect artifacts (software, data, etc.) associated with a paper to be preserved? (1 year, 5 years, as long as the paper/forever)? *
Elaborate (if you wish)
4. How long do you reasonably expect runnable artifacts (experiments, software) to be able to be executed (with none to reasonable effort by a third party)? (1 year, 5 years, etc?) *
Elaborate (if you wish)
5. Should the DL provide links to updated, evolving versions of artifacts that are associated with a paper (in addition to the snapshot at the time of publication)? *
Elaborate (if you wish)
6. What specific needs should guide the Digital Library's integration with external platforms? *
Elaborate (if you wish)
7. What other external repositories/platforms do you think should be considered for integration in the next phase? *
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