Intake form Hatha Flow Yoga Teacher Training
Thank you for your trust and your interest in the Yoga Spot Hatha Flow Yoga Teacher Training. We are looking forward to guiding you on your journey to deepen your understanding of Yoga.

We would like to invite you to fill out this intake/registration form in order to plan an introductory meeting. This meeting is to meet each other in person, to see if we all agree on your participation in the Teacher Training. A good match between student and teacher is very important!

After the introductory meeting, to complete your registration we ask you the following:

1. To read the General Terms & Conditions and accept them by agreeing on them (link will be send)
2. To fulfill the payment via bank transfer (invoice will be send)

You will receive a final confirmation of your participation by e-mail when we received all of the above. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your trust and we are looking forward to sharing our knowledge, understanding, experience, and teaching-skills with you.

Kindest regards,

Lahma Muris and Margriet Verhagen
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First and last name *
Name as desired on the  Hatha Flow Teacher Training Diploma *
Date of Birth (Month, day and year) *
E-mail address *
Mobile number *
Full address (street, number, postal code, town and country) *
Emergency contact name, relationship and phone number(s) *
And now... more about you!
This intake form is for you and us to get a better understanding where you stand in your yoga practise. It gives us (in preparation for the intake) information about you, and in general we will use this information to optimize the training.
We encourage you to answer intuitively. Be as sincere as possible, no need to impress us!

If a question is unclear, just leave blank. We will get to it in our intake.
How long have you been practicing yoga and in which tradition/style?
Are there any health problems, illnesses, surgeries, injuries or physical conditions from the past or present that are of influence on your wellbeing?
Did you ever had a psychological instability or you still have it? Did you see a psychologist or psychiatrist? If yes, please tell us when. Examples: anxiety issues, panic attacks, depression, burnout, addiction.
Are you taking any medication? If, what kind of and what for?
Tell us more about your current yoga practice? (number of classes per week, home practice, etc.)
Is this your first Yoga Teacher Training or have you completed another Yoga Teacher Training before? If you did, please tell us what and when.
Do you have any experience with teaching yoga?
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How did you learn about our Yoga Teacher Training?
Can you tell us your expectations from this training? What would you like to learn?
What do you intend to learn or work on, on a personal level?
Do you already know the teachers Lahma Muris and Margriet Verhagen?
What does yoga mean to you?
What's your heartfelt desire to attend this training?
What kind of work do you do? Do you intend to be a fulltime teacher after this training?
What is it that you hope will happen as a result of following this program?
Some of my strengths are
Is there anything else you think we should know or that you would like to share?
Thank you!
This was all for now... The rest is to come soon! We will contact you for your intake if you haven't had that yet. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our Hatha Flow Yoga Teacher Training. You will receive a confirmation of our receipt of this registration form, further details about the training and your invoice. When you have any questions before that, don't hesitate to contact us.
With love... Lahma Muris and Margriet Verhagen
Yoga Spot VoF
A.J. Ernststraat 665 a
1082 LG  Amsterdam
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