GRAND RIGHTS REQUEST FORM                   

for grand rights licensing and/or performance materials rental quote for ballet, opera, musical theater, and any other pre-existing musical work used with staging or in a theatrical context

The following form is intended to assist you in applying for performance rights associated with the use of our copyrighted music in conjunction with additional artistic elements such as choreography, staging, and costuming. G. Schirmer does not grant permission for the rights to use audio recordings in performance, only the rights to use the music contained on recordings.

All parties are independently responsible to report any and all additional aspects of their performances that require further licensing, such as the use of recordings, any broadcasts (internet, radio, or television), touring outside of the country, the intention to record/distribute performances, and text translation. Failure to do so may result in penalty fees and/or additional billing. Please feel free to include an additional cover letter detailing any further requests for use of materials and/or rights.

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Title of Musical Work *
Name of Composer *
Text by (if applicable)
Will you be using a CD or Live Music? *
Performance materials needed?
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If yes, please specify
Title of Performance
Type of Performance (e.g., opera, ballet, etc.) 
Dates of all performances 
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