Filmmaking Workshop (FREE) - Application for High School Students
APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 7, 2020, 11:59 pm.

Have you ever wanted to tell your story to a big audience? Have you ever thought that there are stories only you can tell, stories that aren’t being told by big Hollywood studios? We hear you, and we're here to work with you so you get your story out there. We're filmmakers who changed our paths to filmmaking for the very same reasons.

In a seven-week workshop on Wednesday evenings this Spring (March 25th to May 15th, with a break on April 1st), we’ll work together to make short movies using cellphones and tablets. We’ll guide you with the basics of filmmaking so that you can bring your stories to life. In the end, you will not only develop your own filmmaking skills, but we will also help you show your films in multiple showcases, archive your work in the public libraries, and even submit your works to festivals!

This workshop is set up primarily for underrepresented communities, i.e. the working class, racial minorities, and refugees, who otherwise might not have access to such classes. To know you better and to know what kinds of stories you would like to tell, please fill out this application:

If you are interested in this workshop and available to attend ALL of the dates below, please fill out this application.

When: March 18th to May 6th, Wednesdays, 5:30 - 8 pm (With a break on April 1st)
Where: UW-Madison, College Library

About the Instructors: Hamidreza Nassiri started filmmaking with the short film White Black (2008). He then entered the University of Tehran’s Master’s program in Cinema and made several short films, including his thesis, Daylight News (2013). Hamidreza left Iran to study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he has also taught film production. The winner of several scholarships and teaching awards, he founded the Wisconsin Iranian Film Festival in 2017. His new short film, Immortal (2018), became finalist in the Frostbite International Film Festival and Lift-Off Global Network Film Festival.

Carmine Grimaldi is a filmmaker, historian, and teacher, and is currently an A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Humanities at UW Madison. He received his PhD in History from the University of Chicago.

This class is possible thanks to: Arts + Literature Laboratory, UW Odyssey Project, Madison Public Library, UW Madison's Design Lab, and UW-Madison's Center for the Humanities
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Adreça electrònica *
Name *
First and last name
Guardian's Name *
Guardian's Phone number *
Guardian's Email *
Can you attend all the sessions? (March 18th, 25th, April 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, May 6th - 5:30 to 8 pm) *
Do you consider yourself as part of any of the following underrepresented groups: people of color, refugees, people with disabilities, or income level under the poverty line *
Do you have a smart phone or tablet? (It’s okay if you don’t! We just need this info for our reference.) *
Below, write a couple paragraphs where you tell us why you want to take part in this workshop. What kinds of stories do you want to tell? Why do you want to tell them? What are your feelings about film/video as a storytelling platform? *
What does “home” mean to you? Describe it in a way so we can see it and feel it. Be creative! *
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