�Volunteer with First Fridays Ypsilanti!
Do you love Ypsi?! So do we! And we need your help to make this monthly celebration of local art & culture be the best it can be! Sign up to volunteer today! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Your name: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Have you volunteered with us in the past? *
If so, when?
Which area(s) would you like to help grow the FFY program? *
Why do you want to volunteer with FFY? *
Please explain why you are excited to share your assets with Ypsi!
What is the approximate time you are able to contribute? *
(We ask for you to make a 3-month or 6-month commitment to start with.)
Do you have any questions for us or additional information you would like to include?
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