Workplace Justice Summit III: Combating Discrimination & Retaliation
Discrimination and retaliation continue to be common experiences among workers in low-wage industries. While disproportionately impacted, workers of color and immigrants rarely engage in a legal claim process. This convening will address some basic barriers to legal claims, with emphasis on the lack of understanding of rights and processes and productive relationships with agencies. Join us at our free, two-day worker summit to:

1. radically increase your understanding of the law;
2. establish effective communication and relationships with government agencies who enforce the law; and
3. build capacity to navigate complex and overlapping workplace violations and agency jurisdiction.

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Event Information
Date: September 7th & 8th, 2016
Location: Holman United Methodist Church
                  3320 W. Adams Blvd
                  Los Angeles, CA 90018

Hosted by: The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

This event is completely free of cost and open to the public. Breakfast and lunch will be provided both days.

Join day 1 - September 7th, 9 am to 4 pm - for an opening plenary and concurrent workshops. Learn the mechanics of the law and the legal claim process, and tips to navigate overlapping violations and jurisdictions.

Join day 2 - September 8th, 9:00 am to 1:30 pm - to get trained in effective workplace investigations and learn about emerging areas of anti-discrimination law.

View a detailed agenda here:

Questions? Contact Tia Koonse at

Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Regions 21 & 31, Office of Federal Contracts Compliance Program (OFCCP), California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE), Department of Labor (DOL), Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund (MCTF), CLEAN Car Wash Campaign, Los Angeles Black Worker Center (BWC), Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance (KIWA), and the UCLA Labor Center.
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