Lesson 6 / Wrap up Feedback Form
This is the feedback form for the final day of the "build-a-website" program.
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How interesting was today's lesson? *
I'm tired of building my website.
I can't wait to continue to expand my website!
How difficult was this lesson for you? *
How comfortable are you with HTML now? *
What is HTML?
I now know how to create a HTML file and know the essentials (and what to Google when I don't know)
How comfortable are you with CSS now? *
What is CSS?
I now know how to style my HTML file and know the essentials (and what to Google when I don't know)
How comfortable are you with Bootstrap now? *
Still don't know anything at all.
I can make a pretty good looking website leveraging the power of Bootstrap
How likely are you to go home and work on your website on your own time? *
Not even likely
I can't wait to go home so I can work on this
How likely are you to pursue a major / career path in computer science? *
I hate computer science. I will never go into this field.
I love computer science, and I'm excited to learn about what comes next!
Did you enjoy this course in general? *
Hated it
Loved it
Was the material presented well throughout the course? *
I couldn't follow along.
They did a great job!
Did you learn something from this course? *
Nothing at all
Learned a lot!
Do you think the skills you gained from this course will help you in the future? *
Haha nope.
Yeah, this was actually super valuable
What did you like about the course? *
What didn't you like about the course? *
Anything we can improve when we teach the course again with other students groups? *
Any last feedback / comments for us? It was a pleasure to connect and teach with you all. We really appreciated your willingness to learn. *
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