ShutdownPL @ ICFP - Volunteer Sign Up
Hi folks! For the ShutdownPL @ ICFP event, we will need some volunteers to help us keep the event running smoothly. The volunteering roles we will need are similar to those we needed for the original ShutdownPL event, so we hope they sound familiar. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the organizers via, or DM us on Twitter via @ShutdownPL! Thank you again for volunteering.

Here are the roles for which we need volunteers, and their descriptions.

1. Registration Desk:  As a "Registration Desk" volunteer, you will be monitoring our slack channel during the event to answer and orient attendees on what the event is about, the schedule and its contents, how to tune-in to the stream, and any other reasonable difficulties they may experience.

2. Vibe Check: As a "Vibe Check" volunteer, you will be monitoring our slack channel conversations to make sure the discussion is productive and respectful. We will be covering some difficult topics during ShutdownPL@ICFP and so there's always the potential of things getting out of hand and so a frequent "vibe check" is important to ensure this remains a safe space.

3. Discussion Facilitators:  Similar to the original ShutdownPL event, ShutdownPL@ICFP will have about 4 concurrent discussion tracks for participants to discuss and generate action items around problems of inclusion in academia and industry. Each track will have a specific topic of discussion. To help drive the conversation, we are looking for volunteers who help co-host these events by helping lead the conversation in a productive direction, and preparing anchoring topics and questions to help keep the conversation going. None of us is an expert on these topics, so we do not expect you to be one in order to sign up for this role: some humility and preparation is all we need.

4. Anonymous Q & A Manager: To monitor our anonymous Q & A, mostly during the anti-racism 101 and 102 sessions, but potentially also during the keynote presentation.

5. Social Media: Help spread the word about the event, potentially via a proper ShutdownPL@ICFP twitter account, and to help amplify positive tweets and reactions to the event.

6. "Floater": A volunteer comfortable helping facilitate other roles if their respective volunteers are overwhelmed. We expect floaters to have an alternative primary volunteering role but  also be willing to help out in, for instance, the vibe check role.
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