Before you complete this questionnaire, we would like to thank you for your participation. Please note that all responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the purposes of this Market Research.

The content of this promotion campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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1. Gender 


2. What is your age group?

3. Which of the following categories does your monthly income belong to *

4. Which of the following target groups do you belong to?


5.  What is your opinion about organic products compared to conventional ones?

Totally Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Totally Disagree
They are healthier and safer to eat
They taste better
They are fresh, clean, pure and authentic
They are produced without the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers
They are free of added preservatives
They have more nutrients
They are safer for feeding young children
The special marking they carry ensures that the products have been produced in an organic way
Their production method benefits the environment
Their appearance is not good
They are not widely available in stores
Their production costs are higher
The manner and frequency of their presentation is not satisfactory

6. Do you seek for European organic products?


7. If so, what is the most important reason you buy them?

Totally Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Totally Disagree
They are healthier than conventional ones
They are tastier than conventional ones
Their production is environmentally friendly
They are of better quality than conventional ones
Clear selection

8. How often do you buy organic products?


9. Do you believe that European organic products are safe and of high quality?


10. Do you buy the following organic products of European origin?

Fruits vegetables
Fruit juices
Dairy Products
Olive oil/ olives
Jams and products (without added sugar)
All the above

11. Do you know when a European product is labeled organic?


12. Do you recognize the label of an organic product?


13.  Where do you usually buy organic products?

14.  Do you recognize the EU ORGANIC campaign?
Captionless Image

15Have you seen promotions related to the EU ORGANIC campaign in any of the following media?

Clear form
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