Desired Results for Children and Families - Parent Survey
This survey asks for your feedback about the child care and development program your child attends. The California Department of Education is very interested in how the program helps you to support your child’s learning and development and meet your family’s needs. Your responses will be completely confidential and will help us to improve the services provided to you. If you have more than one child who attends this program, please answer the following questions about your youngest child in the program
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1. How satisfied are you with the overall quality of this program?
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
2. Do you feel that
A. Your child is safe in this program?
Clear selection
B. Your child is happy in this program?
Clear selection
3. Have you received information from the program about the following?
A. How children develop at different ages (e.g., walk, talk, etc.)
Clear selection
B. How your child is growing and developing
Clear selection
C. How your child is doing in the program
Clear selection
D. Schedule of daily activities
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E. What you can do to help your child learn and develop
Clear selection
F. Parenting skills
Clear selection
G. How to find other services in the community (e.g., employment and training opportunities, parenting classes, health care)
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H. Where to report health or safety concerns and complaints
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I. Experience and training of program staff
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J. Discipline procedures
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K. How you can get involved with your child’s program
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4. Would you like more information about any topics related to your child’s care and development? If yes, please specify topics
5. Has your child’s enrollment in this program made it easier for you to:
A. Accept a job?
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B. Keep a job?
Clear selection
C. Accept a better job?
Clear selection
D. Attend education or training?
Clear selection
6. How satisfied are you with these characteristics of your child’s program?
A. Hours of operation
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
B. Location of program
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
C. Number of adults working with children
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
D. Background and experience of staff
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
E. Languages spoken by staff
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
F. How program staff communicate with you
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
G. Meeting the individual needs of your child
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
H. Interaction between staff and children
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
I. Interaction with other parents
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
J. Parent involvement
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
K. Equipment and materials
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
L. Cultural activities
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
M. Daily activities
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
N. Environment
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
O. Nutrition
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
P. Health and safety policies and procedures
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
Q. How the program promotes your child's learning and development
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
7. Is there anything else you would like to say about how this program meets your family’s needs?
8. Do you have any suggestions about how this program could be improved?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. This information will be used to help improve the services provided to you.
Which location is your child attending at this time?
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