Bike Month 2024 Interest Form
This survey will be used for Go Coast Bike Month, May 2024. We will email you updates about Bike Month in the Cape Fear region, as well as weekly reminders to track your rides! 

For more info about National Bike Month:
Visit the local Go Coast Bike Month page at:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name (your full name, or just first name and last initial if you like) *
Do you plan to bicycle commute to and from work/school at all during Bike Month? If so, please name your school or place of employment. If not applicable, please skip.
How did you hear about Bike Month?
Optional demographics questions
These questions will help us assess our outreach and equity efforts. 
Optional: What is your home zip code?
Optional: What is your gender?
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Optional: What is your age group?
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Optional: What is your race? Please check one.
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Optional: What is the primary language spoken in your household?
Optional: What is your approximate annual household income?
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