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#1 In the Loud family, everyone has to wait to... *
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#2 Luna is taking a long time because... *
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#3 Lola is preparing for a beauty pageant(美巴), so she is studying from home. How many weeks will she be at home? *
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#4 The Loud parents agree to homeschooling, but there is one rule! What is it? *
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#5 Lola is unhappy that her brother and sisters think homeschooling is easy. She says, "It's not ______!" *
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#6 After enjoying all day, the Louds decide to study. But, after reading only 1 page, they take a break to... *
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#7 On Thursday night, the Louds hear some terrible news! What is it? *
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#8 The kids didn't know about this important news because... *
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#9 The Louds go into Lisa's bunker (安全地堡) to study, but they can't study because... *
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#10 In the end, only 1 person fails the test. Who? *
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