Island Hopper Fest Accommodation Deals
To feature your property on and, as well as in the festival mobile app, please complete the survey below!  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Hotel/Resort Name: *
Hotel/Resort Address: *
Hotel/Resort Description: *
Describe your business and what it does in one to two sentences. 
Hotel/Resort Website: *
Hotel/Resort Socials (Facebook,Instagram,Twitter)  *
Primary Contact Name: *
Primary Contact Phone Number: *
Primary Contact Email: *
Resort/Hotel Image:
Please send one or more images (1000px by 740px) of your accommodation to with the name of your property as the subject line. Logos will NOT be accepted as the image gets distorted. (10 Max)
If your creating a trackable promo code or room block, each room will receive 2 festival koozies. We will deliver koozies based on bookings prior to arrival. General discounts are not eligible for festival koozies, unless a tracking source is provided. 
What type of deal will you be providing? *
Festival Deal Name *
Description of Hotel/Resort Deal *
Please add a description of the offer such as any terms or conditions including a start and end date for the deal (ex. minimum purchase of a two night stay, can not be used with any other discount, excludes...).

REMINDER: The rate must be valid for bookings during the festival dates Sept 20 - 29, 2024.
If you have provided a trackable promo code or room block we will request a pick-up report by September 9, 2024, to deliver the festival koozies for you to give to your guests.

We will also request a final room pick-up report by Oct. 4, 2024. This helps us measure the impact of our Island Hopper marketing efforts.
Link to Hotel/Resort Deal *
Please add the link to the offer from your website. 
Please leave any comments or questions below, or email Vanessa Gomez at
                                                        We look forward to hearing from you!
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