UTCGA 20240117 Fraud Prevention and Information Security Workshop: Example and Tips Registration Form
UTCGA sincerely invites all U of T graduate students who are interested in the topic to attend
  • Date: 2024.01.17 Wednesday
  • Time: 17:00 PM - 19:30 PM (ET)
  • Delivery: In-person or Online (Zoom link will be sent via email)
  • In person location: On campus, SS 2106
  • Attendance: Free
  • Pizza and drinks will be provided
About this workshop:
  • 17:00 - 18:00: Seminar covering topics such as Financial Fraud and Rental Scam

  • Speaker: David Coffey - Detective, Finance Crimes Unit - Corporate Crimes Section, Toronto Police Service

  • 18:00 - 19:00: Seminar focuses on how to protect individual's information security, with a particular focus on Email Scam

  • Speaker: Information Security Departments

  • 19:00 - 19:30: Q&A session

  • All information collected are confidential for internal registration use only.
About us:
We are UTCGA - U of T Chinese Graduate Association. Our mission is to unite all Chinese graduate students here at U of T, by offering them a warm and comfortable haven with a sense of belonging. We are decicated to fostering a communication channel that integrates life, study, and career for all Chinese students. While organizing a variety of events both on and off campus, and promoting high-quality academic exchanges, we strive to build a bridge that connects campus and workpalces, sharing insights from various industries.
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WeChat ID(if applicable):
How you wish to attend the workshop? *
If you decide to participate the workshop in-person, do you have any dietary restriction?
Any specific questions you may have for the speakers or regarding this event? (We will collect all questions and answer them to the best we can)
ANY Questions/Inquiries/Suggestions?
Please contact us @ uoftcga@gmail.com
or WeChat: UTCGA_Assistant
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