Child Development Club - Leadership Position Application

Please fill out a brief application by June 1st, 2024 (by 11:59 p.m.). Expect to hear back during summer break (no later than the end of July). Make sure to check your email for any new information about your application. Please contact us with any questions you have about the application or leadership positions at

Leadership Qualifications & E-Board Responsibilities:

The Child Development Club at CSUSB is looking for enthusiastic and motivated students to serve on the executive leadership board (e-board), who can meet the following requirements:

  1. Be either a current or former (alumni) student of our university (CSUSB) and department (Child Development).

  2. Hold at least a 2.5 GPA*

  3. Communicate effectively with fellow officers; work well in large groups

  4. Able to commit up to 15-20 hours monthly

  5. Attend e-board meetings every other week (accessible by Zoom or in person)

  6. Plan and attend monthly events for the club. Officers should be in charge of/or co-lead one event per semester (e.g., info meetings, social events, table club events, community outreach)

  7. Maintain active communication with fellow club leaders in-between meetings, as needed, and responding in a timely manner. Maintain log-in and contribute to messages using club communication platform (Discord server).

*Note: Please reach out to faculty advisor if you are interested but if any of these qualifications/responsibilities are a concern.

General Information about Club Leadership Positions:

In order to fulfill the goals of the Child Development Club, almost all club positions will have incoming and outgoing roles. Outgoing roles will be filled by students who have served in incoming positions in the previous academic year. Incoming roles will be filled by non-graduating students who will be promoted to take on the outgoing role for the following academic year (i.e., this is a 2 year position; let us know if this will be an issue though!). 

Undergraduate Students Leadership Roles - Duties and Responsibilities

*Each of the following roles will have 1 outgoing officer and 1 incoming officer, unless otherwise noted:

  • President: Call and preside meetings of the Executive Board and provide leadership of the Child Development Club. Other duties include coordinating with other officers and faculty advisors, planning and running club meetings, sending out meeting reminders and invitations, and ensuring the club has fulfilled all requirements through University Life. 

  • Vice President: Support the President with club day-to-day coordination, managing club membership, planning events and coordinating with others planning their events, and co-coordinating with faculty advisors.

  • Treasurer: Handle all club funds; leading club efforts including collecting membership dues, club money, fees, expenses, paying bills, records of all debts and credits, getting approval for use of funds if necessary, and funding reimbursements if necessary.

  • Marketing Team: Work collaboratively to design all club recruitment and marketing materials, use and maintain club’s social media, maintain the club website, photograph events and distribute photography, create a window display or bulletin board in SB to host info, photos, etc… about club (Note: Team will consist of 3-4 members. This is a 1-year position, with the option of returning for a 2nd year.)

Graduate Students Leadership Roles - Duties and Responsibilities

*Graduate student roles will be made up of 1 outgoing officer and 1 incoming officer :

  • Grad Student Representative: Outreach to campus and local community, support with club professional development goals, supporting President and Vice President in club duties.
  • Please note: Graduate students will be able to support undergraduate student officers in their roles, if desired. However, the above roles (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) are reserved for undergraduate students only.

Alumni Leadership Roles - Duties and Responsibilities

*Alumni roles will be made up of 1 outgoing officer and 1 incoming officer :

  • Alumni Representative: Serve as liaison between club and our department alumni community, reaching out to alumni to keep them informed of events and recruit for event support (e.g., speakers for workshops), support student professional development and mentorship opportunities, provide insight and guidance on field-related expertise, work closely with faculty advisors and club leadership to fulfill club goals.
  • Please note: Alumni will be able to support undergraduate student officers in their roles, if desired. However, the above roles (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) are reserved for undergraduate students only.
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Information About You
Full Name *
What name would you like club members to call you?
Coyote ID 

(alumni applicants can write N/A or "alumni")
School Email 

(alumni applicants: please provide active email)
Phone Number
Preferred Contact Method (call, text, email, etc...)
How are you enrolled in the Child Development Department? *
Anticipated graduation semester and year (e.g., Spring 2025)

(alumni applicants: please provide year you graduated)
Desired Position(s)
From these positions, what is your TOP choice

Note: Please make sure to read the descriptions above, detailing the required roles/responsibilities.
From these positions, what is your SECOND choice
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From these positions, what is your THIRD choice? 
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From these positions, what is your FOURTH choice
Clear selection
Application Short-Answer Questions
Please fully respond to the following questions. We will use these responses to determine who will serve in the leadership positions for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. This information will help us determine whether & how you may fit with our leadership team, in addition to how we may support you in your leadership role.
Why are you interested in being more involved in the Child Development Club? *
What are some of your future goals (career, academic, personal growth, otherwise...)? *
Please describe any previous/current experiences with any of the following: leadership experience, involvement in community, work experience, etc... 

(Note: it is okay if you do not have these experiences! Please just list whatever you do have! 🙂)
Being involved in this club leadership position will require some time commitment. 

After reading the requirements at the beginning of this form: 
1) What are some of your other responsibilities and time commitments? 
2) How do you anticipate balancing this leadership position with your other responsibilities?
What is your availability for the upcoming academic year (Fall & Spring)? Please be as specific as possible.  *
Please describe your communication style and your comfort-level with communicating with others during the semester. Please also indicate if there are ways you can be supported with feeling comfortable communicating in a team. *
Please describe a challenge you have encountered (in work, classes, other organizations, etc...) and how you overcame this challenge.  *
Please describe some of your strengths & what makes you think you will be a good addition to the club leadership team. *
Are there any challenges that you anticipate you might have with working on this team? Are there things that the club advisors or leadership team can do to support you with these challenges, if you end up serving on the leadership board? *
What would you like the Child Development Club to work on in the upcoming year? For example, specific types of events, resources, goals, etc... *
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Thank you for applying!
We appreciate your interest in being more involved in the Child Development Club! Over summer break, we will let you know whether or not you have been selected for a leadership position. Please make sure to check your email for updates & more planning!
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