The Spectrum : Rachel Sie
Order form for artwork by Rachel Sie
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Artpiece & Merchandise Selection. Simple tick as desired. Please fill up the subsequent "Details" section as required i.e. for sizing, colour, etc. If you require more than 1 unit please specify in the "Details" section as well.
T-Shirt (RM35)
Coffee Mug (RM25)
Tote Bag (RM35)
Drinks Flask (RM35)
Cotton Cap (RM25)
Polyester Cap (RM20)
Keychain (RM4)
Gift Pouch (RM4)
Pencil / Cosmetics Case (RM12)
Framed Art, 30cm x 40cm (RM180)
Framed Art, 40cm x 50cm (RM250)
Contact Number
Mailing Address (for delivery)
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We will reconfirm your order with you based on the availability of materials at the present moment. Some items may not be available as per specification at the time of your order. We will provide you with options should this be the case.

No payments are necessary until then!

Kindly note that prices quoted exclude shipping/postage.

Should you have queries please contact us at or drop us a Whatsapp message at +6012 570 5041 and we will get back to you soonest.
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