Personal Development Courses
Please fill out this application form if you are interested in enrolling in an online course related to personal development (please see listing below). Please note that these courses are only open to registered citizens of the Métis Nation of Alberta. Please only submit one form.

A representative from the MNA Youth Team will reach out to you via email after you submit this form. We appreciate your patience during this time as it may take 5-10 business days for your course code to be activated and sent to you.

 In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email

*Please note: individuals can only be registered in one course at a time up to a maximum of three courses per calendar year.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email address: *
Métis Nation of Alberta Citizen ID Number: *
Birth date: *
Phone Number:
Please identify your Region:
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Mailing Address:
Which course are you interested in enrolling in?
Briefly explain why you are interested in taking this course:
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