BTSS Volunteer Sign Up: Sunday July 21, 2019      
NEW THIS YEAR: We are requiring every volunteer to bring and present a photo id.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address
Please be sure to add to your contacts list so our emails don't end up in your bulk e-mail folder!
Primary Phone Number *
Are you an NCJW member?
Age *
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
*If you would like to register your teen/child to volunteer, please enter them individually!*
By volunteering my teen, I realize that they will not be doing the same job as me.  I realize they may be on their own.   I also realize that no teen under the age of 18 will be a personal shopper.*

If you are registering a teen please provide your name and contact number below:
Parent Name/Guardian
Emergency Phone Number
My Shift(s) On Sunday, July 21st:
Please consider signing up for multiple shifts.
Shift 2: 11:15am-3:00pm
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Shift 4: 5:00-7:00
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As part of the Back To School! Store, catering to all of our kids is our first priority.  If you have a special skill that will help us, please let us know below!
Do you speak a Foreign Language?
I'm with a Corporate Sponsor
We need your help after the day of the store!  Choose your day(s) and shift(s) below.  If you volunteer two shifts in a row you will be served a meal.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Wednesday, July 24, 2019: This shift may be canceled if we finish breakdown prior to Wednesday.
Any additional notes about your registration. We will do our best to meet your request.
In an effort to save paper, printing, and postage, please help NCJW  go green by signing up for a completely paperless BTSS account!  We will contact you by E-mail INSTEAD of snail mail-- that's the only difference!*
*More of your donations will go DIRECTLY to programs instead of production costs*
By entering my name below, I agree to participate in NCJW's Back To School! Store based on my registration form above! *
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