Hypnos Trial Member Application
We are looking for new players to help complete projects and improve the server. Our server features a few modded mechanics as an alternative to duping items such as sand or shulkers, we do dupe tnt. The server is currently running Java 1.12.2.

Please answer any questions in the application to the best of your ability. Your application will be voted on by staff members and you'll be notified of the result within a week.
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What is your Discord contact information? *
For example: the amazing one#9639, NotCreative#0041, Terra#0672, etc.
What is your Minecraft in game name? *
What time zone are you located in?
This will help us know if you are capable of working with others.
How old are you? *
How familiar are you with the English language? *
We communicate in predominantly English.
Why do you want to join Hypnos? *
Writing "Wanting to see the server" and "Because fun" as reasons to join the server are incredibly unlikely to be accepted.
Have you been in similar servers and are they still active, if not, why? *
Please make sure you will actually play on Hypnos, we don't want to build up inactive members.
How long have you been playing Minecraft and why do you play the game? *
What version of Minecraft Java are you most comfortable with? *
Example: 1.12,1.13.2,1.15, etc.
What type(s) of player are you? *
Please share screenshots of your accomplishments/builds/contraptions in game.
Please make sure you have images of creations YOU have designed. Applications WITHOUT any images will be automatically denied. We understand that resetting your PC and world corruption does happen occasionally, but we will require proof of corruption/reset as well as some images of something you have built, even if it's a small and simple device.

Please be sure to upload the images to https://imgur.com/upload or google drive or some other file sharing service. If you cannot figure it out then dming an admin the images works as well.
Do you plan on recording or streaming on the server?
Content creators will benefit the server as well as the technical community as a whole.
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Where did you hear of the server?
Do you have a microphone/talk in voice calls? *
Any information you would like to share with us?
Join the discord if you haven't already! https://discord.gg/BKadJsM
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