FAF farm tour 2023 sign up
Saturday, 17th of June
10 am to circa 5 pm
Farm stops:  Voedselbos Haarzuilen, Stadstuin Zuilen & Tuin Kansrijk 
Distance to cycle: ca. 35km
Contact: vincent.van.roomen@gmail.com

We have reached our capacity of people joining, however you can still however fill in the form and we can contact you if someone cancels last minute:) 

We will meet at 10 in the morning with our bikes in Utrecht (location will be announced) 
and then cycle together to our first stop. We will share a vegan meal together for lunch (6€). You will get further information about where we go and praticalities via e-mail/telegram.  

We are planning to be back in Utrecht around 5 pm, but if we are all enjoying ourselves and have the time we can also spend more time at the farms:) 

If cycling is not an option for you, please contact us and we will try to work it out. 

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