Are your bee hives ready for winter?
Take this quiz to find out!
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Quiz Questions
i look at the following to assess and plan for winter during the month of july
What was the most recent mite count? *
Looking at the bottom-most box of your hive, how much are the top bars covered in bees? *
How many frames of honey are on the hive right now? *
how do you feel about your answers? tell me in an email.
after 13 years of beekeeping and a lot of continuing education, these questions are exactly how i plan my fall activities. my students know that i allot at least two brood cycles to prep for winter bees and give them the latest science-backed practices every july. if you are interested in the winter beekeeping digital course, visit this registration link: and if you can't commit, no worries -- I have a monthly email for us to stay in touch
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