  Taki Plaza Gardenerの企画、「お雑煮を作ろう!」の参加フォームです!ぜひ応募してください♪

【日程】1月 14 日
【時間】17:30-18:30/18:30~19:30 ※各回先着8名まで
【場所】Taki Plaza B2F キッチンスペース

This is a participation form for Taki Plaza Gardener's project,  “Let's make Ozoni!"
We will make and eat ozoni and experience the Japanese New Year culture.
*Events are on a first-come, first-served basis. The event may be closed if capacity is exceeded.

Ozoni is a traditional Japanese soup typically enjoyed during the New Year celebrations.

[Date] January 14
[Time] 17:30-18:30/18:30~19:30 *Only the first 8 people in each session
[Place] Taki Plaza B2F Kitchen space
[Participate fee] Free

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名前(Name) *
学籍番号(Student ID Number) *

メールアドレス (E-mail address) *
(Please select the session you would like to attend)
(*The second session has reached capacity.)
この企画を何で知りましたか?(How do you know about this event?) *

Please let us know if there are any foods you cannot eat due to allergy or religious reasons. (We do not plan to use meat)

質問、連絡事項があればご自由にどうぞ!(Feel free to ask any questions or contact us!)
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