2023-2024 Anderson Five Charter School Application
Online application for the 2023-2024 school year.
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Email *
Student Full Legal Name: *
Grade: *
Gender: *
Student Cell Number: *
Student Home Number: *
Home Address: *
City, State: *
Zip Code: *
Mailing Address (if different than home address):
City, State:
Zip Code:
Primary Parent/Guardian Email Address: *
Student's Email Address: *
Student lives with: *
Father's Name, Address, Home Number, and Email
Mother's Name, Address, Home Number, and Email
Adult other than Parent (only if student does not live with Father or Mother) Name, Address, Home Number, and Email
Current School's Name and Address *
Other High Schools Attended:
Does the student receive free or reduced lunch? *
Does the student have an IEP or 504 Plan? *
Ethnicity: *
Is the native language English? *
Do you currently have a job? (student) *
If yes, please list your Employer, type of work, and work schedule:
Explain why you are interested in joining our Charter School.  Why do you think this school is a good fit for you to achieve your goals? Why should we select you for this program if there is competition for limited slots? How does earning a diploma assist you in your future plans? *
Please tell us about some key personal problems and or challenges you have overcome.  Describe your commitment and motivation to overcome any challenges at this time in your life.  For this response take into consideration strengths that you have that will help you to be successful. *
Student Signature *
Parent Signature *
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