Tuberculosis (TB) Exposure Control Quiz
All staff assigned to complete the Tuberculosis (TB) Exposure Control Quiz at NKY Health must answer all questions correctly on this quiz.  We recommend that you complete the training before taking the quiz. Feel free to complete the quiz as many times as needed until you answer all the questions correctly.  Thank you!
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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Orientation Supervisor's Email Address *
Date you completed the TB Exposure Control Plan Training sliideshow *
1. Pulmonary TB is more common AND more contagious than non-pulmonary TB. *
10 points
2. The most common way to contract pulmonary TB from another individual is to *
10 points
3. Which if the following is NOT true about people with Latent TB Infection? *
10 points
4. Which of the following factors increases the risk of developing TB disease? *
Please choose the BEST answer.
10 points
5. OSHA requires an assessment of any worksite where clients with suspected or known TB disease may be encountered. How often does NKY Health perform this assessment? *
10 points
6.  A positive skin test does not mean you have active TB disease. *
10 points
7. All NKY Health staff have a TB test upon hire and annually thereafter. *
10 points
8. All NKY Health staff who have a high risk of exposure to TB will be fit-tested initially and annually thereafter. *
10 points
9. Which of the following is NOT true about clients who are coughing. *
10 points
10. Clients should be scheduled for HIV testing the on TB clinic days so we can test them for both while they are onsite. *
10 points
Finishing Up
Please check your answers before submitting them. Select "SUBMIT" when you're confident all your answers are correct. After you submit them, select "View Score."

If you scored less than 100/100, then please close the view window, select "Edit Responses" (near "View Score"), change your responses and then resubmit.  

Please repeat this process until your score is 100/100. Thank you!
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