METEOR Verification
Southern Arizona's Enlightened community (METEOR) is an all encompassing community of all Southern Arizona Enlightened agents. By filling out this form, you are agreeing that you are a Southern Arizona Enlightened agent with only one account. We do NOT welcome users with multiple accounts, nor do we accept Resistance agents on our team.

If you decide to use multiple accounts, please do not apply to our community.
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What is your name? *
(Full name not necessary, just what you would like us to call you)
What is your agent name? *
What is your current level? *
Recursed? *
Were you referred to Ingress by another agent? If so, please give their name. *
What is your email address (the one you used to sign up for Ingress)? *
What is your Telegram username? *
If you do not have Telegram, you may download it here: or from your app store.
Do you have a profile on *
What region(s) of Tucson do you regularly play in? If you play outside of Tucson, please select "Other" and specify your play area. Choose all that apply *
Can you meet with a METEOR moderator to verify your scanner? (we can often come to you) *
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