LLPP Parent Engagement Team Application
Thank you for your interest in the Lakeshore Little People's Place Parent Engagement Team.  Please fill out all sections.  Applications will be reviewed by the Executive Director and LLPP Leadership.  
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Your full name *
Today's date *
Your full address *
Your phone number with area code *
Type *
Your email address *
LLPP site location your child(ren) attends *
Child's/Children's names *
Your relationship to the child(ren) *
List the businesses or local organizations you have strong ties to or connections with: 
List the local churches you have strong ties to or connections with: 
What special skills or talents do you have that you feel would be beneficial to the Parent Engagement Team?
Why do you wish to be part of the Lakeshore Little People's Place Parent Engagement Team?
Thank you for your application. :)
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