Sunday School Registration 2024-2025
It's time to register for Sunday School! The program year begins on September 15, 2024 and ends on May 4, 2025.

Sunday school meets every week from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Families are encouraged to worship together at either the 9:00 traditional or 11:00 contemporary service.
Sunday school classes are offered to children ages 3 years old (by September 1) through 6th grade. Students meet downstairs in the lower level for a brief introduction to the lesson text, and then gather in their age-level classrooms for lesson activities. Students also participate in outreach events, perform a Christmas program, and participate in the worship services at several points throughout the year.
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Email *
Additional email address for the contact list?
Student's Name *
Birth Date *
Grade *
School *
Home Address *
Adult name(s) and relationship(s) to child
ex: parents, grandparents, foster, etc
Which service does your family attend most often? *
Looking ahead to Christmas, is your family more likely to be able to participate in a program on: *
What, if any, food or other allergies does this student have? (Peanuts, wheat, bee stings, etc.) *
What, if any, accommodations does this student need in order to fully participate in Sunday school? *
Do you agree to allow photos of your child to be used in church presentations or church promotional materials? *
Are you interested in teaching Sunday school? If so, select your preferred grade levels and Ms. Julie will contact you to discuss it! (You can also recommend someone by selecting "Other.") *
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