SDAs Public Comment Interest Form
Sustainable Development Areas (SDAs) would replace Transit Priority Areas, which allow for density development bonuses in only a 0.5 mile radius from major transit stops. Sustainable Development Areas offer density bonus programs to residential projects within 1.0 mile of transit​, allowing for additional high-density housing construction on​​​​​ 5,224 acres of land​ near transit​.

In priority areas, apartment developers can construct buildings with 50%+ more units than allowed by zoning rules outside of these areas. Developers are incentivized to dedicate portions of this increased development to lower-priced rental housing.

Owners of single-family homes want to block this new policy change because they are worried about their property value going down. Meanwhile youth are worried about whether or not they will find housing, and then if they can even afford it. We are going to show up and make our voice heard.

We are going to City Hall to push against their self-interested NIMBY (not in my backyard) arguments, and show our council members that youth demands action in the fight against the housing crisis. If we do not build more housing near transit, then where do they suggest we build it?

When people live and work in the same area, and have relatively easy access to public transportation, their reliance on personal vehicles and overall vehicle miles traveled (VMT) will decrease substantially. When we achieve this, we lower carbon emissions and create more sustainable neighborhoods.

This change to SDAs is essential in continuing progress in our fight for affordable housing and climate action. Join us at the UC San Diego Central Campus Station on Tuesday, February 14th (02/14 @ 12:30pm) to travel together to City Hall and unite to make our voices heard.

More info will be sent via email soon!!! (SDA Fact Sheet, scripts, and extra info)
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Would you like to sign up for the OTTA United Newsletter to stay connected and get notified about more opportunities like this one?
Are you affiliated with any UCSD organizations? (N/A if not)
Will you be joining us on Tuesday (02/14) at 12:30pm to travel to city hall together to make a vocal public comment?
In-person comments are the most effective way to be heard, but if you can't make it to the meeting, there are alternate ways to get involved (it will take you to another section)
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