Transcript Request- former students
This form is ONLY for former Horn students. Current student request come through Xello. If you are a current student your request will be deleted!

Please allow at least 48 hours for all transcripts to be filled. You may contact Ms. Rodriguez, if you have any further questions regarding your request.

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Last Name
(while attending JHHS)
First Name (No nicknames) *
Middle Name (If you have one)
Birthdate *
Student LAST 4 Digits of Social Security Number* 
(If you do not have a SS# write: NO, or your Student ID #)

Year Graduated from JHHS*
Contact Number
Enter your phone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Contact email address *
Do you want your transcript emailed or will you pick up?

Transcripts will be ready for pick up in the Counseling Center 48 hours after the request is submitted.

If you want the transcript emailed, please include the email address on the next question.
If you want your transcript emailed, please include the full email address here.
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