TDTU Application for 2023 APEC Youth Capacity-Building Training & Model APEC


  • To promote connectivity, strengthen human resource development and increase awareness and understanding of regional issuses, the project aims to invite regional youth to participate in a two-day Model APEC training program. The program will gather stakeholders, policymakers, government officials and experts who work or had worked in APEC related sectors to share with the regional youth regarding how APEC, as a cross-regional community, operates, and the critical issues and challenges that the region is currently facing.
  • A Model APEC conference is organized for the young participants to learn more about how issues are discussed in a regional economic forum, and how to present and voice their opinions in an official setting.
  • 02 participants from Ton Duc Thang University

(1) one round-trip economy class ticket to and from Taipei; (2) accommodation from 5th-8th July (3 nights); and (3) breakfast and lunch during the 2-day event (6th-7th July 2023). Note: Selected participants should purchase economy class air tickets on their own and will be reimbursed the purchased price in New Taiwan Dollars upon arriving in Taipei by providing the e-ticket, original copy of the boarding pass, and a photocopy of their passport.
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Bạn có chứng chỉ tiếng Anh quốc tế nào? (ví dụ: IELTS, TOEFL iBT, TOEIC 4 kỹ năng, v.v.)
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