2nd Africa Tech Female Founder Summit 2020 Application
TLcom Capital will host the 2nd Africa Tech Female Founder Summit virtually on Tuesday October 27, 2020 between 11am -1:30pm WAT.

Themed "Reset - Survive - Thrive", this year's event will gather visionary and courageous female tech founders from across Africa to experience the power of connecting, learning and being a resource to each other.

Apply now to attend.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email Address *
Are you a female founder of an Africa tech startup? *
Company name *
Company Website *
Company Description (max 50 words) *
What year was your company founded? *
Sector *
Country/Countries of Operation *
Please share primary country of operation first, and then any other countries subsequently.
Would you like your email address to be shared with fellow attendees after the event? (Note: Contact details will be shared for purpose of creating a collaborative community after the event) *
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