3G Burger Bundle Order Form
Looking for a smaller order to fit the budget or smaller freezer space? Check out our beef bundles! Our beef is grass-raised and grain-finished for 60+ days. Bundles are subject to availability. Order yours today!
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Ground Beef Bundle
(85/15 grind and vacuum-sealed, 1 or 2 lb. packages)

20 lb. bundle $5.25/lb.
50+ lb. bundle        $5.00/lb.
Ground Beef Bundle--Number of pounds
Grilling Bundle
Choose from a large 3G Grill Bundle or small 3G Grill Bundle.

3G Large Grill Bundle
A 25-pound mix of all the premium cuts that are great for the grill!
     (about 6 lbs. @ $13/pound): Rib steak, T-Bone, New York
     (about 6 lbs. @ $11/pound): Flank, Sirloin, or Skirting
     (about 3 lbs. @ $7/pound): Roast
     (about 12 lbs. @ $5/pound): 85% lean burger patties

Approximate total: $225

3G Small Grill Bundle
A 15-pound mix of all the premium cuts that are great for the grill!
     (about 3 lbs. @ $13/pound): Rib steak, T-Bone, New York
     (about 3 lbs. @ $11/pound): Flank, Sirloin, or Skirting
     (about 3 lbs. @ $7/pound): Roast
     (about 6 lbs. @ $5/pound): 85% lean burger patties

Approximate total: $125

*Based on availability. Each steak varies based on the size of the animal. Steaks will be packed 1-2 steaks per package.

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