Birmingham Hammerfest Fueled by BOLT24
March 12-13, 2022
Pepper Place: 2829 2nd Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35205

The 3rd annual Hammerfest Fueled by BOLT24 is coming to Birmingham on March 12-13. Professional cycling teams from all over the US will be racing through the streets of the Pepper Place District in downtown Birmingham.  Please see more information on the volunteer positions needed below!

Friday, March 11 - There will be a welcome party for riders at Cahaba Brewing Co. from 5:30 PM-7:30 PM. Riders will pick up their packet and mingle with others while enjoying Cahaba Brewing.
VOLUNTEER POSITIONS: Rider Packet Pick up Desk - Distribute packets to riders

Saturday, March 12 - Racing begins at 11:00 AM and should conclude around 8:00 PM in the Pepper Place District. The women’s pro race kicks off at 6:10 PM followed by the men’s pro race at 7:35 PM. The Community events begin around 4:00 PM.
-Course Set Up & Break Down - Assist with course set up and breakdown around Pepper Place, including putting up signage and bike fence around the course.
-Course Crossing Guard - Assist spectators crossing the course at various points
-Guest Services - Assist in Sponsor hospitality areas - checking wristbands, offering assistance, generally managing the areas (VIP hospitality, kid zone inflatables, etc.)
-Volunteer & Athlete Services - Assist volunteers with check in, position placement, food/water distribution, relieving for breaks, etc. Assist with Rider Registration packet distribution.
-Access Control - monitoring access to secured parking areas for VIPs, athletes, etc.

Sunday March 13 - The Hammer Ride starts at 8:00 AM and consists of FREE 30 and 60-mile supported rides beginning and ending at Cahaba Brewing Company.
VOLUNTEER POSITIONS: Route Stop support. Distribute water/snacks at various route stops throughout the course.

Please complete the form below to volunteer. Registration is free, and you will receive a T-shirt and meals while on shift. We require one shift, but you are welcome to do more.

Visit the website for more information -

If you have questions, please contact us at:

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What is your T-shirt size? *
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You must be 18 years of age by March 12, 2022 in order to volunteer.
Please select below if you would like to volunteer on Friday. Skip the question if you do not wish to sign up for a Friday shift (or if it's already full).
RIDER PACKET PICK UP. Cahaba Brewing Co. - 2 volunteers needed.
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Would you like to volunteer on Saturday or Sunday (you will be able to select a shift on the next page)? *
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