It’s that time again for our Early Winter Storage Sign-Up. We know you don’t want to think about Winter Storage when the summer is not even over yet! We would like to give you the opportunity to save some money so please take a moment to fill out the form.
If you sign up for winter storage for the 2024-2025 season via the enclosed application, the following rates will apply: SCYC Members/Winter Members will receive a rate of $56 per foot. Boatyard Members will receive a rate of $66 per foot, this will be offered until September 15th. After September 15th, our standard rate of $59 per foot for SCYC Members & Winter Members/$69 for Boatyard Members will go into effect. **These prices are subject to change**
*Boatyard Membership: The Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club invites those individuals who are not SCYC members to apply for Boatyard Membership. Membership dues for 2024/2025 are $150 for the year. Those requesting Boatyard Membership status must complete the application following the contract and send a non-refundable check for $150 to the Club to reserve and lock in their rates.
*Winter Membership: The Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club invites those individuals who are not SCYC Members to apply for Winter Membership. Membership dues for 2024/2025 are $900 for the Winter Season which runs from the date your boat is hauled to the date your boat is launched (or May 31st, whichever is later).
Winter Membership entitles participation in the Winter Sailing Program and use of the Winter Sailing Clubhouse for Sunday lunches/events throughout the Winter Season (November 1- May 1), and member rates for storage and work performed during the winter season.
The 2024/2025 Winter Storage Contract will be emailed in the coming weeks to those who complete this Early Sign Up form, at which time you will have an opportunity to choose the various services offered by the Boatyard to decommission your vessel for the Fall, commission the vessel in the Spring, as well as a variety of other services offered. Please take the time to fill out the contract with as much detail as possible.
REMINDER: Vessels are hauled out of the water based upon your requested launch date.
As always, we look forward to working with our returning members and customers as well as having the opportunity to work with new members and customers. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Jen Simone, (516) 922-6305 ext.123,, Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm.
*Credit cards are required for new Boatyard/Winter Members*
**Vessels will not be reserved without a deposit**
Captain Robert E.J. Satory, Boatyard Operations Manager
David Risch, Boatyard Service Manager