Tabling Interest Form - Bridgeport Farmers Market Collaborative
Hello and thank you for your interest in tabling with the Bridgeport Farmers Market Collaborative (BFMC). BFMC is a network of farmers markets across Bridgeport. Please complete the form below to indicate your interest and you will be added to our database. Each market determines availability and scheduling for tabling individually. 

Please indicate the market you are interested in below and the market manager will be notified and determine availability and scheduling for applicants. 

*Please note: completing this form is not confirmation of available space at the markets. Inquiring vendors must receive approval from the market manager, complete the appropriate paperwork, and return a signed contract to secure a space.

This form should only be completed by nonprofit/community-based organizations. For vendors interested in selling products at the markets, please complete the 2024 Vendor Application

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Organization Name *
Your Role  *
Your name & pronouns *
Your email *
Your phone number *
Describe the services or information you will offer at the markets. *
Which markets are you interested in? (Check all that apply).

Official dates TBA, schedule is subject to change. If a market is not listed, they do not have vending or tabling opportunities available at this time.
Website (optional)
Organization's Facebook (optional)
Organization's Instagram (optional)
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