HW5.1 Survey Form
perhaps the easiest set of questions you will ever have but I am going to use it with FLUBAROO when you are ready to learn during one of our 30 minute conversations. Steve
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True or False: The VALIDATION feature for spreadsheet can allow you in one easy swoop to program 33 cells to say TRUE or FALSE. *
To get the SHORTCUTS in GD, you hold down COMMAND (Mac) or CTRL (PC) and then press what key? *
The templates available at drive.google.com/templates includes a US map where each state exists in GD DRAW as a separate moveable object. *
You can "program" short phrases or sentences in GD WP by using PREFERENCES and KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS. *
After clicking the button called OFFLINE you can test the fact that this feature works remarkably well by turning off your wireless and then going on the web -- which won't work -- but DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM will work! *
You can change the "start up" font and size on GD by UPDATING NORMAL TEXT and then make sure you also SAVE AS MY DEFAULT STYLES. *
The reason that there are no short answer questions or paragraph questions on this SURVEY is so I can "grade it" by using Flubaroo. *
Larry Bird's mother's first name was _______ which will prevent some of you from getting 100% on this very easy quiz ;-) *
Your first name is *
The GD add on called Doctopus allows for "easy distribution of a GD Worksheet" to dozens of students creating individual named worksheets for each student. *
The GD add on called Kaizena allows for voice to be added to documents as long as Kaizena is installed and the user chooses OPEN WITH. *
The correct answer to all True/False questions on this survey is TRUE. *
Larry Bird's birthday falls on Pearl Harbor Day but this is not related to the fact that he was skillful in basketball with 3 point bombs. *
The GD utility called FLIPPITY allows a GD spreadsheet to be turned into flip cards. *
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