The Clean Break
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Full text of the resolution:

Whereas, millions of working Americans continue to view both political parties largely unfavorably. 

Whereas, organized labor has, since 2017, “studied the viability of independent and third-party politics,” and understood that, “whether the candidates elected are from the Republican or Democratic Party, the interests of Wall Street have been protected and advanced, while the interests of labor and working people have generally been set back” (Resolution 48, 2017 Saint Louis AFL-CIO Convention).  

Whereas, the Democratic Party establishment has repeatedly conspired to obstruct Sanders, has repeatedly supported reactionary measures, and has repeatedly shown itself to be the graveyard of social movements, 

Whereas, Democratic Party candidates endorsed by the DSA have continuously failed to represent the DSA’s commitment to the working class, as shown in Congressman Jamaal Bowman’s Iron Dome vote, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s refusal to vote no on the Iron Dome bill, and Representatives Ocasio-Cortez’s, Bowman’s, Cori Bush’s, and Ilhan Omar’s vote to end the strike put on by railway workers in defense of the integrity and stability of themselves and their families.  

Whereas, the Democratic Socialists of America have not been able to exert any political control over Democratic Party candidates, to the point of DSA-endorsed Democratic Party politicians turning on the organized sections of the working class. 

Whereas, the interests of the working class are entirely opposed to that of the capitalist class, with their state institutions and their political parties.

Whereas, working people in this country do not yet have a notable independent organization to pursue the class struggle with politically, 

Whereas, the DSA understands that, “The American political system was not made to serve the working class,” and that, “Democrats are hopelessly compromised by their donor class of capitalists” (DSA Political Platform).

Whereas, the DSA recognizes the real practical and pragmatic necessity of an independent working-class political organization to pursue their interests independently of capitalist interference, and the DSA has already stated its commitment “to building a political organization independent of the Democratic Party and their capitalist donors,” and that, “our goal is to form an independent working-class party” (National DSA passed resolution #31 in 2019).

Whereas, the DSA is already, in 2023, pursuing a program and platform which may be used to run independent candidates in union, local, state, and national elections, 

Be it therefore resolved that: The Democratic Socialists of America will immediately pursue a clean, irrefutable, and permanent break from the capitalist Democratic Party, and will no longer support the candidates of the Democratic Party. 

Be it further resolved that: The Democratic Socialists of America will prioritize solidifying a party program for its future candidates who will accept to abide by this program, 

Be it further resolved that: The Democratic Socialists of America will prioritize embedding itself into organized labor to consolidate a pro-party wing of labor to serve as a basis for an independent socialist labor party, while also attracting those dissatisfied and disaffected with the Democratic Party, such as tenant organizations, the left-wing of the racial justice movement, migrant worker organizations, and any other organization committed to the liberation of a people. 

Be it further resolved that: The DSA NPC commits itself to accepting and fighting for the platform, as well as holding DSA candidates strictly accountable to the democratically decided-upon platform/program in our future struggle against the Democratic Party.


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