2024-25 TEEM Youth Mentor Information Form
T.E.E.M (Teen Elementary Education Mentors) is a volunteer program that matches high school student volunteers with elementary school after care programs across the city.   These programs primarily serve under-resourced and disadvantaged communities.   We have a number of convenient locations across Knoxville in which you can serve.  

Student volunteers will work from approximately 3:45p-5:30p M-F.   You are not required to volunteer every day.  Typically, students volunteer one afternoon every week or every other week.  The schedule is completely flexible, however. 

West High students Ian Anderson (865-315-5632) and Elsa Anderson (865-806-7448) will contact you with location options.

Please complete the information below and Ian or Elsa Anderson will email you with further information and help you schedule your orientation session.

Thank you for considering TEEM!
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What school do you go to? *
What is your first name?
What is your last name
What is your phone number?
What is your email address (school or personal)?
What grade are you in?
Do you have transportation to the program locations?
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