Be kept informed about Thrive
If you would to register your interest and be kept up to date, please complete the form below.
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What is your first name? *
What is your surname? *
What is your email address? *
What organisation do you work or volunteer for (in relation to physical activity / sport)? *
Please put "none" or "self employed" if appropriate.
What is your role / job title? *
Are you paid to do this role or are you volunteering? *
Where is your role based? *
Please choose the Local Authority area/s where you do most of your work / volunteering, or choose "Scotland-wide".  Please note that Thrive Lite and Thrive Training are only currently available in Scotland, but if you are based elsewhere, please let us know!
How did you hear about the Thrive Learning Programme? *
Which elements of the Thrive Learning Programme are you particularly interested in? *
Select all that apply.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Data Protection
"I agree that the information I am submitting through this form can be stored by both Actify and Evaluation Support Scotland in accordance with GDPR."   *
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