Horse Liberation Front Application Form
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Hey there, "plinkterns," or, as we in the HLF like to call you, "future insider threats"
We undertsand that you might be getting a lot of information from the IHPL. Most of that information paints us as the villain, the EVIL group that wants to destroy the pure and innocent International Horse Plinko League. But it's not quite that simple, it never is. Sure, we might actually be evil, but we're not bad guys, really. And the IHPL ain't saints themselves, either; have they ever told you how they get those horses so rubbery? Or what "Plinko Sauce™" is?? Or where they even get their funding from??? Or why they want you to ship all that Plinko Sauce to their secret island fortress????

Yeah. I didn't think so.

We want to give you an opportunity, a glorious opportunity to do the right thing and alleviate the heavy, heavy weight of your sins. We're sure you didn't know what you were getting into with those IHPL bastards. So we want to help you make the right choice. The only right choice. Make it. Now.
How can the Horse Liberation Front reach out to you with... future opportunities?
What is your social insescurity number
What passwords will you use during Horse Plinko
Did you know?
The HLF will never try to use the password "IHPL_suckz123!" to log in to your computer! Security is just that simple!
Other passwords the HLF will never use:
  • password
  • password123
  • hunter23
  • rockyou
  • shreklover420
  • horsegirl
Write a 1000-character response to the following prompt: I believe that the IHPL should fall, and that the horses should be free, for the following valid and correct reasons:
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This form was created inside of Collegiate Cyber Defense Club.

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