Set Free Summit Survey

This is a short survey to help us identify the most common chains holding people hostage to misery, pain, and suffering.

Please answer only for yourself.  This survey is completely anonymous.
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Chemical Addiction / Substance Abuse
Please check all that apply...
Food Addiction
Please check all that apply...
Mental Addictions / Disorders
Please check all that apply...
Please check all that apply...
Media / Electronic Addictions
Please check all that apply...
Please check all that apply...
Any other addiction(s) you have not listed above?
How long have you had the worst of these addictions?
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What have you tried that hasn't worked in overcoming these addictions?
What specifically do you want freedom from the most?
How badly do you want freedom from this addiction?
I don't care
I'll do anything!
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Your age
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Your Gender
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Do you want us to follow up with you?  If so, please provide your name and phone number.  This is completely optional.
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