Transcript Request (Central)
Pickerington Central Class of 2025 SENIOR transcript requests must go through your SCHOOLLINKS account.  
Please see Mrs. Snelling or Mrs. Schrickel in the Counseling Office if you need help with SCHOOLLINKS/Common App.

Pickerington Central ALUMNI transcript requests  must go through this form.   
Please allow 10 business days for processing.

Please Note:  We are unable to  provide copies of your diploma document.
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Graduation Year *
First Name *
Last Name at Graduation *
Date of Birth *
Your Contact Number and Email *
!Please read carefully! - failure to follow directions may result in a delay in processing your request.

OFFICIAL: To be sent ONLY to Educational Institutions/Employer/Military/Other Official Agencies  Will NOT be sent to alumni/student. You MUST provide the school/employer email or physical address. 

UNOFFICIAL: To be sent to alumni for personal use only  - cannot be used for colleges/military/employers, etc. Please provide your personal Email or Postal Address. 
Where should we send the transcript? 
For OFFICIAL please provide school/employer Email or Postal address.  
For UNOFFICIAL please provide your personal Email or Postal Address. 
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