"Pay what you can" coaching application
Thank you for your interest in coaching with me. This "pay what you can" offer is aimed at people working for social impact, who are looking for coaching and aren't able to pay full price for it. 

How it works:

You complete this form to tell me a little about yourself and how a coaching session could be of value to you. I'll review your responses and if I can help you I'll be in touch with details of how to book you session.

Sessions can be used to focus on any topic that feels current and pressing for you - this might be:
  • A specific goal you'd like to work towards and want to build motivation or structure around.
  • Something you feel stuck with and would like to explore different perspectives and approaches to.
  • A tangle of thoughts or feelings you'd like some time to work through.
  • A project that feels messy or intimidating that you'd like to break down into something more manageable.
  • An emerging idea that you'd like to soundboard with an objective "thinking partner".
During the session we will explore your topic in-depth and from different angles, and get clearer on any next steps you'd like to take with it. 

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What is coaching? 

Coaching can help you to better understand your values, needs and beliefs, and support you to make changes and achieve your goals. A coach helps to draw out your own wisdom and experience in order to determine the best way forwards for you. 

During a coaching session, the client does most of the talking, whilst the coach listens, asks questions, and shares back anything they notice which might help to raise the client's awareness of their situation or broaden their perspective on the possibilities ahead.

Coaching is different from mentoring or consultancy, where the mentor or consultant shares their experiences with the client and advises the client what to do, because in coaching the client comes up with their own advice.

Coaching is not just about what happens during your sessions, it is a journey, much of the magic happens as your thoughts settle and ideas continue to spark following a session.

Who will the coaching be with?

The coaching will be with me, Natalie Tucker, an accredited coach with15+ years experience of working with charities and social enterprises in various capacities. You can find out more about me here. 

About this offer & your data

Please take a few minutes to share a little about your circumstances so I can assess whether this offer is suitable for you. "Pay what you can" coaching spaces are limited to two per month - I will do my best to accommodate requests within a reasonable timeframe, but please bear with me if there is a delay in getting back to you or getting started with your coaching.

Please note that you may only take advantage of this offer once - if you have already received pro bono or "pay what you can" coaching from me, please contact me by email at hello@natalietucker.co to discuss suitable alternatives.

Please be assured that I will only use the data collected here for the purposes of contacting you in relation to this and future coaching opportunities.
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Email *
Name *
Please tell me a little bit about yourself and your role... *
What would you like to get from this coaching? For example, what topic, goal, or challenge are you interested in exploring? How do you expect this coaching to benefit you? *
If your request is successful, how much would you like to pay for this coaching? *
This will not influence whether or not your application is successful but it will help me to invoice you.
Please confirm that you understand that coaching is an investment in yourself. As the client, you are responsible for joining the session prepared with a topic to talk about, and for taking the follow-up actions which will help move you towards your goal. *
Where did you find out about this offer? *
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. If I can help, I'll be in touch with details of how to book a session. Natalie
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