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#1 The Loud Children are all working on a scrap book. A scrap book has many.... *
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#2 The kids are making the scrap book for... *
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#3 Lori sees her friend bought a special gift. What was it? *
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#4 The Loud Children go out shopping. Where do they go first? *
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#5  The kids laugh when they remember that they have bought their dad A LOT OF ... *
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#6 The kids want to get a kitchen tool with their dad's name. Which one do they want? *
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#7 The kids choose not to get this gift because... *
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#8 The kids decide to get a doll, because their dad loves everything from.... *
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#9 The doll can also.... *
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#10 Later, the  children decide to get an 'experience gift' so the person can try something new.
Which ticket did the kids NOT buy?
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#11 When the kids come home, they hear their dad... *
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#12 Dad says the best gift is... *
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Bye Bye from the Loud Family-
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