This is the signing up form for CirkusMania 2019.
Please, first read the info on

Fill in the information below to sign up, deadline is 15 October.
Please observe that only companies based in the Nordic and Baltic countries are eligible to sign up.

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Name of performance *
Name of company *
Name of venue/performance space *
Date and time of the performance/s/ *
A show can be performed several times. Please make sure that the performance time/s/ are within the CirkusMania time frame (see ”Guide to CirkusMania”).  
Adress of venue and directions *
Website of venue or info on performance space *
Link to ticket sales (or info on ticket sales) *
Ticket price *
Please indicate if there are different prices for children, students aso. Please also indicate if you offer a special price for Subcase participants.
A describing text of the performance *
This text will be used in the marketing units (web and program). OBSERVE: Maximum 450 characters. | Write a short description of the project. Please note that if you write longer than 450 ch, your text will be cut.
A describing text of the artistic company *
This text will be used in the marketing units (web and program). OBSERVE: Maximum 450 characters. | Write a short description of the company. For example: history, aesthetic direction, etc. Please note that if you write longer than 450 ch, your text will be cut. Artists don´t need to be mentioned here, see next paragraph.
Credit list crew *
Names of artists and other artistic/technical crew that should be mentioned in the marketing.
Credit list support *
Organisations or funders that should be credited in the marketing for supporting the venue or company
Recommended audience and age *
Audience capacity of the venue *
Is speaking an essential part of the performance? If yes, in which language? *
How long is the performance in minutes? *
Country *
In which country is the artistic company based? If the project is co-produced in other countries, please write which countries in the box "Other"
Trailer of performance, link
To be used on website, and/or for digital marketing.
Webpage *
Link to webpage of the artistic company.
Contact *
Name, telephone nr and email to the person for CirkusMania to be in contact with. This person will be the one receiving all info and communication from CirkusMania.
Why do you wish to take part in CirkusMania? *
What are your reasons to sign up? What are your expectations?
Additional comments
Is there something else you think that we should know?
Please observe that your sign up is eligible only if you also send an email with a HIGH RESOLUTION PICTURE (300 dpi) in either jpg or tif at the latest on 15 October to  *
CirkusMania is hereby given the right to use this picture freely in the CirkusMania marketing. Remember to write the name of the photographer also.
Thank you for signing up to CirkusMania 2019! You will be contacted by CirkusMania´s coordinating producer within shortly.   *
We may need to contact you with questions or suggestions; please be available on the indicated contact info.
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